Monday, February 25, 2013

hair and stuff

I'm still not super positive about straight-across bangs... 

It's election week at school and I keep hearing people say, 'eh I'm not voting anyway' or 'I don't even know who these people are so I'm just not gong to vote.' I really don't like it. If you have a chance to have a say in how our University runs, why wouldn't you take it? In the art building today, a girl was going around passing out buttons and telling us to vote for her and some guy said, "why should I vote for you?" She answered him surprisingly well but I was more impressed that he asked because he clearly wants to be informed. People who are involved are the coolest. yeeeeeha. 

weird college thing I keep think about: it's crazy how different my relationships are with all of my different professors. In one class there are about 1,200 students so I've never met the professor and I walked passed him on campus the other day and he (obviously) had no clue who I was. In my Math class there are about 30 of us and the professor knows me, my name, and a bit about me because we're kind of buddies. (she's the coolest crazy cat lady around) So it's just weird. bye. 


  1. YEEEEEESSS!!! SUPER cute hair, Gracie!!! I love the straight across bangs. But side swept looks so good on you too. :) Good thing you can do both I guess! Love.

  2. Grace you're a doll. Love, love, love the new do. Both kinds of bangs.

  3. It looks GREAT on you--all of them! Love it!


dear grace,