Monday, January 10, 2011

I'll be honest with you...

oh wait I'm always honest with you.

when I auditioned for musical as a sophomore I was crushed  that I didn't make it.

then again junior year.

Then for some reason I auditioned again as a senior and made it. thats when I realized I didn't want to be in it. and boy was I hatin' it.

fast forward 5 months and I have made the best friends ever. I have met the funniest, nicest, most interesting, bizarre people. I have been in a love/hate relationship with two musicals and been the busiest girl on the planet. everything happens for a reason and I love my new best friends.


  1. Gosh dang it, I wish I had been in there with you guys. But I'm so glad it's turned out to be such a great experience!

  2. My feelings about musical exactly. I hated but loved it, so strange.

  3. This = my feelings exactly. I was super disappointed when I didn't make it last year, sometimes it makes me want to rip my hair out, but I'm way glad I'm in because I made rockin' friends like you :)


dear grace,