Saturday, May 22, 2010

my childhood.

we used to walk to the neighborhood pool
we jumped fences and ran fast to keep our feet cool
here come the Smedley boys all five smile
they joke and push 'till one slips on a tile
we walked to the snow cone shack to get a treat
and sat in the shad to escape the hot heat
on beautiful summer nights we'd meet at the church
to laugh and play and climb that big birch
sometimes we might chill out and calm it down
to watch the stars blink above our cute town
when winter arrived we'd throw snowballs and sled
then drink our hot chocolate, our happy cheeks rosy red
a girl that i met became my best friend,
we sat on park swings and for hours on end
one boy had the newspaper route
we all hung around to help him out
mud, ramen, the fourth of July
pink throw up cake and it's okay to cry
making cookies (as many as we could)
that's my happy, simple childhood.


  1. I LOVED this! Oh my goooosh. My favorite post. Ever.

  2. thank you!!!! i like it too AND... i miss you :(


dear grace,