Friday, April 16, 2010

me! :)

some random things that make me (cough) cool.
(more like... quirks if you will)

- i can't stand sitting down to eat. i'd rather stand by a table.
- i constantly sing. it just doesn't stop. i hope it doesn't annoy people.
- the radio in my car is ALWAYS on 94.1. oldies. which works since i HATE all this new crap (not qualified as music.)
- I get the free single on iTunes every week
- i pretend i live in a movie. this has been true since i was... eight. every morning i get up and narrate my life like i am in a real movie. the soundtrack is just... what ever songs i have stuck in my head throughout the day.
- i LOVE my mac. more than anything. okay.. well close. it's my baby
- i am seriously a technology FREAK! weird but true.
- i'm listening to journey right now...
- my life long goal is to own an iPhone.


  1. Ha! I do the movie thing too, except I don't go so far as narrating my life. :)

  2. And that is why I absolutely adore you!

  3. LOL, Love-love-love the oldies! I'm always listening to 94.1!!


dear grace,