Sunday, April 18, 2010

lovely sunday evening.

i went over to his house today. (by his i am referring to the ex. bf) the first time i'd been over there since the breakup. it felt SO good to be back. it felt like i had moved somewhere and after four months, moved back home. that home really was my home at one point. i kinda miss that. but it's all good. me and number 1 are starting to become friends again. i think. :) and in case you were wondering... i totally didn't get to see baseball/#2 over the weekend. which i was surprisingly... okay with.
well... monday is... tomorrow. seven more weeks of school y'all :) wahooOAOAOA!


  1. oh dear... long story but his name is Justin! i dated him for... a year or two... :)

  2. GRACE! I am so confused! Almost as confused as to why on earth those darn swings are painted yellow :)


dear grace,