Thursday, September 20, 2012

I can't believe how good life is.

I love Utah State. Everyday it blows my mind how much I love this place. I have an incredible group of friends, I love my classes, and I can't stop smiling. I wish everyone in the world were as happy as I am right now.

The only thing that could make life better is hanging out with all the people that I miss. Mostly my high school friends, my ranch buddies and my homegurl, Carly.

Everyone needs to watch this Documentary. It's on Netflix. It will change your life. Once your basic needs are met, the amount of money you have does not affect your happiness. Being happy is about doing things you are passionate about and staying close with family and friends (my only concern is that I am passionate about traveling, eating, and shopping and those things are pretty expensive... it's ok I also love yoga, blogging and being outside)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are enjoying this time and place! I loved those years too and made some of my best friends.


dear grace,