Monday, August 20, 2012

here's whats up.

Mini Josh Hutcherson spend a week at the ranch. He's cute.

Such a pretty view. 2 minute drive from the ranch. I already miss this place. 

Last day in our room. 

My family made a huge WELCOME HOME sign for me on the garage door, plus a delicious chocolate cake! (This is not a good photo of it...)

 For breakfast on Sunday I made peach cobbler with the peaches from our trees. My favorite. 

My family and I went on the most beautiful bike ride last evening. 

 I'm in the process of moving back to school, and starting my new job at the Food Court on campus wahoooooo.  I love my new apartment! I am so excited to live with my new roommates. 

I can't believe how many times I've moved this past year. Sheesh. 

My family is seriously the cutest ever. I wish I had more time to spend with them. 


  1. If I had a daughter I would want her to be like you. :)

  2. Thanks Karen! That is a huge compliment!! :)


dear grace,