I don't when or why I started calling Crista Cwista... but I did and now I can't refer to her as anything else. I wish I could remember when and how I became friends with Cwista. I mean I know we met in Jr. High but I wish I could remember who indroduced themselves first and why we decided to keep talking and become friends. That was a long time ago...
Also... Im looking at this picture and thinking that these are still some of my best friends. This picture was taken 5 years ago. |
In no particular order, here are some cool things we've done together:
Dances |
Been weird |
gone to Canada |
TONS of choir concerts |
Tie Dye? |
Red Cross Leadership camp |
Officer stuff |
Been in parades. |
I will admit that we had a little rough patch senior year, just because we are both very opinionated but as soon as we graduated, it was just like 8th grade again. I love Crista so much and I know that we will be friends forever. And now the whole reason I'm doing this post:
As much as it freaks me out, I am so happy and excited for her! It doesn't seem real to me that one of MY friends who is MY age is actually getting married! But it's really exciting. So congratulations Crista. He is a lucky dude.
definitely was not expecting that ending. that's so exciting though!