Saturday, June 4, 2011

first lasts

lots of people have talked about "lasts" this week. last yearbook day, last choir concert, last day of high school, last time driving to school and last time we'll see some of our peers. this week has made me think of a lot of "firsts"

First Graduation- 6th grade. we sang some Josh Grobin and I played the cello. good times.

First High School yearbook day- so many people and I felt like i had to get everyone i knew to sign mine. it was a hot day.

First Choir Concert- sophomore girls choir. we were clueless and probably sounded terrible but i guess i had enough fun to do it for the next two years.

First day of High School- was so extraordinarily exciting for me. exciting yet terrifying.

First time driving to school- Bountiful High was my first destination as a lone driver, no obnoxious parents in the passengers seat. it was October of my Junior year. I remember being nervous that i would get in a car crash or get pulled over... my parking job was... interesting.

1 comment:

dear grace,