Tuesday, November 30, 2010

one of those days.

you know those days
when you're late for your senior project presentation
you trip on your way
you go home for lunch alone
you wear your adorable new boots and no one likes them
some people even make fun of them
you're clueless about your math class
you stay at the school until four
your phone dies while you're giving someone directions
you work on college applications for hours
you don't go to the gym
you drop green nail polish on the tile and it shatters and splatters everywhere
you lay down at 10:28 realizing how much is still left to accomplish. ugh.


  1. wow. i can't believe how much of that post describes my day. my day sucked too. i love you gracie.

  2. u can delete on of those.. i told you i loved your boots

  3. I'm sorry you're day was so terrible. But... I REALLY want to see your boots. I bet they're amazing.


dear grace,