Friday, April 2, 2010

the list

okay admit it. I know you've all made 'the list.' it is most often known as the 'what i want in my future husband list' or something like that. and just like all of you, i've had one since i was... 12. and you want to know what i just found out? baseball fits every single one of the requirements on the list. trust me. this list is hard to follow. it's quite the accomplishment to fulfill every single thing on it. number 1 (homecoming date) was pretty great. and sure we had a thing for like.. 2 years. but he NEVER had all the things on the list. and... just because i love you all i will share the list with you. here it goes. (this is found on the very last page of my second journal.)

the top says-
"happiness is being married to your best friend"

-loves kids/great with them, would make a great dad.
-makes me laugh until my stomach hurts
-love to play/watch baseball
-will do fun stuff with me, go hiking, listen to music, cook
- absolute LOVE for travel and new people/cultures
-positive outlook on life
- Respects girls
-have a strong testimony of the gospel
- kind to his mommy
-have the priesthood to bless our children and others
-must be willing to adopt
-passion for education
-Kind, gentle, loving to other people
-someone i can talk to about everything.
- must be a returned missionary
- must take me to the temple

i just sat in my car and talked to baseball for two hours. and when has there ever been a boy that i can have a conversation with forever without getting bored? hmm.... interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! didn't I just blog about this? Ohmygosh Grace...we are the same person but (dramatic boom) completely different! Love ya!


dear grace,