Monday, March 15, 2010

the joys of the daycare :)

grace- "What is your little sister's name going to be, Dayton?"
Dayton- "sarah. but her nick name is binky."
grace- "why binky?"
Dayton- "cuz my mom LOVES that name."
grace- "really? whats your nick name?"
Dayton- "Timothy."
grace-"oh. or could that be your middle name...?"
Dayton- "oh yeah! middle. sarahs MIDDLE name is binky."
grace- "I love the name Sara!! is she named after anyone special?"
Dayton- (with a look of DUH GRACE!!! on his face) "Miss Sarah... ya know, the teacher she works here at the day care with you. "
grace- "What!? why doesn't she name your sister after me?
Dayton- "um i think she like sarah better."

addie-" my sisters name is gona be rosie. but my mom doesn't like that name."
grace- "then why is she naming her Rosie?"
Addie- "no I AM naming her rosie."
grace- "okay so what's her middle/nick name going to be?"


  1. Don't you just LOVE those kids..... Also I can totally imagine your laugh from these. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I am BAWLING!! That is hilarious!! This is the first I've heard we're naming her after a teacher. Dayton used to say he wanted to name her "Sarah" after Sarah in Land Before Time. I just asked him why he liked Miss Sarah so much and he said, "because she says 'yeah' all the time when she talks"??....LOL!!

  3. ahahaha he is too funny. he actually did mention land before time later that day... i adore him :)


dear grace,