Friday, February 19, 2010

somethings are better left unsaid

unsaid. that's a weird word. is that even a real word? but it's true. You know there's been times when you are with a friend and you're both thinking the same thing but you know that it's so much better to be left unsaid. Sometimes it's something deep, like something reminds you of a loved one's death. or it could be something dumb and totally NOT important. i have lots of friends that are pretty good at that, sensing what is better left unsaid. but sometimes it's better to just say it! to get it off your chest and just talk and laugh about it. especially if you've done something completely stupid, you're probably better off just admitting it. one of my friends is SO dumb and she knows i always make fun of her. She would be better off if she didn't TELL me all the dumb things she does. "oh grace guess what, yesterday i tripped all the way down the stairs and then i walked out of the bowling alley with the bowling shoes still on and then I shut my hand in the car door..." but to her, she feels like less of an idiot if she tells someone. by the way... i shut my face in a bathroom door at the school and my face got all bruised and hurt.

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dear grace,