Thursday, August 20, 2009

my summer :)

alrighty! summer evaluation time. This summer has been pretty great, although i've done way to much babysitting and lawn mowing then i would have preferred, but it happens :)

- EFY. amazing. i had a blast and had a chance to feel the spirit on a regular basis. i loved my session director, who had been paralyzed when he was 15 in a diving accident. he loved us and totally understood teens. i met lots of new people from all over the world and had tons of fun :)
- girls camp. i love girls camp haha. i was lucky that my mom could be the director this year. i had a blast with my girlfriends and had the opportunity to become closer to them. (the food was delicious as well)
-movies, reading, and blogging. pretty much what i do with my life, 'nough said.
-Cousins and Grandmas, i've blogged about it all so you know that i had a blast.
- trumps pool. faun swimming with my brothers and the ward.
-naps. they're always nice :)

1 comment:

  1. "movies, reading, and blogging. pretty much what i do with my life, 'nough said." That is so my summer!


dear grace,