Thursday, August 13, 2009

daddy's little girl.

okay these pictures were obviously taken a while ago haha we actually took them at one of those booths at the mall on a daddy daughter date :) they aren't very good cuz i had to take a picture of the picture to get them on cuz our scanners broken. ANYWAY... my daddy :) My dad just gets it. he completely understands me. he knows why i'm crying or smiling or mad. of course we still have our little disagreements which sometimes turn into really big disagreements... but anyway, my dad and i seem to have a lot in common. we both love photography. the only difference there is that my dad is actually really good at it :) we both hate to exercise, we love to eat, we love watching baseball as well as playing it and we can watch LOST for hours on end :) my daddy has an incredible testimony,( i think he gets it from his dad, my grandfather who is the most spiritual man i have ever met in my life:) anyway, it strengthens mine every time i hear his. he loves the gospel. He carries his priesthood with honor. LOVE HIM :)

1 comment:

dear grace,