Taking care of these boys can be difficult! I'm learning to be patient and to resist the urge to smack them across the face as often as i would like. I have a respect for mothers and all of their hard work and energy put in to raising sweet kids.
On sunday Gabe comes running to me screaming at the top of his lungs "grace, grace! i gotta ow" he was holding his arm and no one could figure out what is problem was. So then we're sitting in sacrament meeting and im just quietly reading a book to him and i see his arm . there's this huge nasty bubbly blister burn in the shape of an iron on his arm. thats right, someone had left the hot iron on the floor. Poor kid!
Satchel found some robin eggs on the ground the other day. we told him that they would not hatch because the mommy bird had not come back to keep them warm. The next day, satchel had solved the problem. a pair of his underwear was laying on the eggs.
SO then on Monday i was reading or watching T.V. and realized i hadn't heard gabe in a while so i went to go find him and there he is sitting on the countertop with all this white stuff on his face and in his mouth. i start panicking cuz it kinda smelled like spray paint but then i see the he's holding a bottle of white-out. it's been four days. it still hasn't come off.
Then Wednesday i took Gabe on a walk around the block a couple times then down to the school playground. on the way home he decides that he has to push the stroller all by himself all the way home. lets just say something that should have taken us three minutes, took us forty-five.
big boy underwear has also been a big thing around our house haha. wow. they are often wet but there's days when gabe goes "potty in a pot!"
All of this craziness is well worth it when an adorable little two year old wraps his arms around my neck and tells me he loves me. or those quiet moments spent reading books together; those not so quiet moments when the music is blasting and we're laughing and dancing. These boys are my life. and i love 'em. :)
Wow you make the Daycare seem tame!!