Well it's back to school in the morning... dang. Don't get me wrong I really love learning and hanging with my friends I would just rather be asleep sometimes :) Although I really wish I went to school with Tay and Justin, I have a lot of awesome friends at Bountiful. Here are some my best friends...
*Ali Lloyd-( Blond side ponytail) Ali has been my best friend since 6th grade. We have been just about through everything together. We always have fun! When we hang out we can just sit and talk seriously or we can run around and be crazy. I love her so much. She is actually very sick right now. I hope she feels better.
*Ashley Knab- (closest to the camera :) This girl is CRAZY!!! (which of course is why we love her :) She is sooo fun to be around. She likes cooking like me and we have a lot in common. The funny thing is I really didn't like her when I met her and now we're really good friends!
*Ana Roundy- (Blonde curls) This girl means the world to me! She is always there to support me. She is so good- she would never do anything wrong. I also love her because she can drive me around :) Ana is so fun, she is so easy to talk to because she is such a good listener! Love her :)
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dear grace,